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    Do you want to live more peacefully?


    A daily mindfulness practice will change your life. Join us in this safe, welcoming space to meditate together and learn how to incorporate simple yet effective practices into your daily life. Once you join this course, I am available as your coach for life! You are welcome to join our Tuesday evening group sessions for free indefinitely if you enjoy the community or ever need a refresher. Please join us!


    Send me a message using one of the Register Now buttons on this page and I will be in touch ASAP.



  • Join this Course and Start Feeling Better

    What's Included:

    4 Weekly Sessions,

    Each Covering: ​


    • A different aspect of mindfulness practice
    • At least 2 different meditation techniques that we will practice together so you can find one that works best for you
    • 2-3 guided meditations
    • An opportunity to explore questions that arise during your meditation practice
    • Weekly check-ins with each person to maintain accountability and ensure you feel supported throughout the month

    Weekly Follow-up

    Email Containing:

    • A summary of the last session so you have the main points recorded
    • "Homework" consisting of self-development and mindfulness exercises like journaling 
    • Resources for further contemplation such as videos, articles, websites and recommended books
    • Guided meditations

    Free Tuesday Evening Meditations Ongoing



    FREE Access to Tuesday evening drop-in group sessions, reserved solely for graduates of this course so that we can dive deeper into topics together and maintain the momentum you build in your first month.


    This weekly session is ongoing throughout the year, so anytime you need a refresher in the future, you are welcome to join!



  • Outline

    Week 1: Mindful or Mind Full? - Meditation 101

    Learn the basics of meditation (what? why? when? where? how?) and its effects on your mind, body and energy. Practice and grow your focus, ability to relax, patience, breath and body awareness, acceptance, kindness and presence.

    Week 2: It’s Not What You Think - Dealing with Thoughts

    Understand the source of your mental chatter so that you can begin to change your relationship with it. Create space in your mind, day and life for creativity, intuition and stillness to arise. Practice and grow your awareness, self-love, concentration, kindness and intuition.

    Week 3: All the Feels - Skillfully Managing Emotions

    Become aware of your emotions without letting them toss you around. Create useful mental habits inviting more confidence and optimism into your life. Practice and grow your self-awareness, self-control, empathy, compassion, kindness and gratitude.

    Week 4: It’s All About ME - Using Your Meditation Practice to Improve Your Life

    Choose the best way for you to incorporate meditation into your life and learn various techniques that will ensure that all of your intentions become reality. Practice and grow your motivation, commitment, focus, ability to set goals and visualize, kindness and happiness.

  • Here is How Meditation Has Helped Some of My Clients

    Lara's Real Life Changes series was amazing. I've been struggling to make meditation a part of my daily life and this course helped me realize that there are different ways to practice, even when you are busy. I looked forward to Lara's support and guided meditations each week!


    - Donna (May 2020)

    I loved the intro to meditation series! The small class size promotes an intimate atmosphere where all participants can share their thoughts. Lara is a great instructor and leads the class through insightful conversations and deep, restorative meditation. I learned several meditation techniques that I will experiment with as I continue to practice on my own. Thanks Lara! See you on Tuesdays at your weekly drop in classes!


    - Alina (May 2020)

    I recently completed an online meditation and mindfulness series with Lara of 'Listen Lightly'. I couldn't be more pleased with the knowledge, warmth and professionalism of Lara's clear inspirational teaching! Learning how to benefit from the various meditation methods Lara taught has provided a great shift in my life helping me to deal with daily challenges in a much more positive and calming way. I highly recommend this series to anyone who is looking for an introduction to meditation or to deepen an existing practice. Forever Grateful.


    - Debra Kennedy-Johnson (April 2020)

    Amazing how 1-1/4 hour each week made me aware of how I can develop tools to manage my anxiety - the goal wasn't to dismiss the worry, but how to accept it and put it in perspective so I could be productive again. Being kind to yourself and others was key. I'm impressed how even remotely you can project a feeling of safety and comfort - thanks for helping me through a challenging time.


    - Participant (April 2020)

    Lara's mindfulness course was amazing and she's an excellent meditation instructor. She's encouraging, inspiring, and approachable. I highly recommend taking Lara's courses. It will change your life for the better.


    - Anonymous Participant (April 2020)

    I thoroughly enjoyed Lara’s four week Introduction to Mindfulness Series. She is a wonderful, thoughtful and encouraging instructor. The 30 Day Meditation Challenge emails Lara sent to us each morning were so helpful in establishing a daily habit. I would highly recommend this workshop!


    - Lynda Paterson (June 2019)


    Register Now

    Next dates TBA



    Email Lara

    Register at the top of this page with your name and email address, OR email lara@listenlightly.com indicating your interest in the program.


    Pay Online

    Send an e-transfer to lara@listenlightly.com, OR contact Lara to pay via other payment methods.


    Show Up

    We'll see you for the beginning of our mindfulness journey!

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    Give it a Try on Your Own!

    Free 30-Day Challenge

    This beginner's 30-day online program is the easiest, least intimidating way to start meditating. Learn from home, starting with just one minute a day. By the end of the month, you will be familiar with a variety of meditation and breathing techniques and will have gained confidence, focus, and the ability to relax yourself on demand.